The behaviours and attitudes set out below will enable our school to be a cohesive community in which all members are afforded respect and encouraged to engage meaningfully with others. Students are expected to know and understand the School Rules, which may be amended from time to time. Teachers in conjunction with the sectional heads, are responsible for day to day behaviour management issues and principal in overall charge.
The school rules are necessary :
The School Rules apply to all age groups and at all times when the student is:
demonstrate attitudes and values which reflect the Gospel Values
be approachable and willing to listen
be courteous and well-mannered
show respect, responsibility and sensitivity for all members of the community
demonstrate school pride
be helpful
listen attentively
work cooperatively and contribute to a cohesive and positive community
see mistakes as partof the learning process
be aware of and appreciate the efforts of others
Behaviour Generally: Students behaviour should be a credit to their selves and to the School, whether students are at School or in public places such as streets, on public transport or in private coaches and whether in or out of School hours, online or offline. Always consider the consequences of words and actions for yourself and for other people
Absence From School:If your child is away from school for any reason it is necessary for a written explanation to be forwarded to the class teacher when your child returns to school. If you wish to take your child out of the school during the day,please send a note to the classroom teacher.
The teacher will advise the principal and the school office.Students must be signed out at the office in the “Early Leavers” book. If Student/s are returning to school on the same day, the office must be advised when they return
Appearance and Dress: School uniform must be worn during School hours and for official School activities unless special arrangements apply. You must be smartly turned out and in all other respects conform to the School's dress regulations. Shoes should be clean, hair style moderate and colour natural. Earrings, studs, tattoos and otheradornments of that nature are not allowed.
In the Classroom: Students should participate fully in the classroom by listening, making contributions, and cooperating with the teacher and with other pupils. School expect children to try their best in all activities. If they do not do so, we may ask them to redo a task. Each student has his/her part to play in creating a positive atmosphere in which to learn.
If a student is disruptive in class, the teacher quietly reprimands him or her. If a child misbehaves repeatedly, we isolate the student from the rest of the class until she/he calms down, and is able to work sensibly again with others.
Sports: Whether students are acting as competitors or spectators at team events or taking part in some other competitive activity, they are expected to behave with good manners and always to set an example that reflects well on the School.
Bullying and Fighting: If a student threatens, hurts or bullies another student, the class teacher records the incident and the student is punished. If a student repeatedly acts in a way that disrupts or upsets others, the school contacts the student's parents and seeks an appointment in order to discuss the situation, with a view to improving the behaviour of the student.